Give the gift of safety and healing each month.

Join the community providing women and children a safe haven.

A woman can’t escape abuse unless she has a safe place to heal. When you give to The Dwelling Place, you provide families a safe home and support to start a new life of freedom. We are on mission to break generational cycles of abuse, and we need our monthly giving community, The Haven!

The Haven is essential to our ministry. The Haven enables us to provide housing and services with confidence and make the best long-term investments for families.

The Haven makes possible:

5 Safe Homes

Housing for up to 72 women and children.

1 on 1 Case Management

Advocacy for housing and employment search.

Life Skills Classes

Domestic Violence 101, Celebrate Recovery, Personal Finance, Healthy Living, and individualized counseling through a local mental health organization.

Spiritual Development

Chapel services and Bible studies.

Children’s Programming

1 on 1 tutoring, support group, recreational field trips, and daily programming focused on building positive relationships and learning about Jesus.

Meet the Community Providing a Haven

  • Bill & Alexandra Bartolic

    Bill & Alexandra Bartolic

    "It is important to us to be good stewards of the gifts we have been given, whether it be time, talent, or treasure. Monthly giving has been an opportunity for us to contribute to the mission of The Dwelling Place by supporting the ongoing expenses required for women and children to find hope, safety, and healing."

  • Jeff & Connie Meyer

    Jeff & Connie Meyer

    "We give monthly to The Dwelling Place because we feel this ministry meets such a vital need in our community. We want to invest in the lives of women and children, and financial support is one way we can do that."

  • Mary Hennessey

    Mary Hennessey

    "For me, it is important to provide that steady inflow of donations to manage all the needs of residents, from case management, to programs to help women heal, feel safe, and grow in their faith and independence as providers for their families.  When something unexpected comes up, it’s nice to know the consistent giving is there for staff and residents."

You can grow the impact of The Haven.

The Goal:

125 monthly givers!

Ready to start your impact?