Marian’s Meaning
A woman moved into The Dwelling Place and was shocked to find out the name of her new home.
One Sunday, Steve felt a nudge to respond to a presentation at church. The Dwelling Place needed help renovating homes, and he was a retired contractor. That simple nudge led to thousands of hours over the next decade building and renovating TDP homes. Today, Steve took a break from TDP’s latest renovation project, Ruth’s Place, and sat down in the living room. “When you become a volunteer, a part of you has to die,” said Steve. “Other people’s problems become more important than your own.”
He reminisced about all the projects over the years and the miracles that
took place. Stories of free HVAC systems and electrical work that would have totaled over $40,000 but was completed at no cost. Then he started talking about the home that was finished in 2023. Steve said, “My wife and I heard they were hoping to find an ‘M’ name for the house, so we wrote to LeNae (former Executive Director of TDP) suggesting the name of Marian.” Marian was Steve’s mother, who passed in 2022. She loved The Dwelling Place and cared deeply about hospitality. “If she knew there was a house named after her, she’d be stopping by every week,” Steve said with a laugh. “She would put a piece of tape on everything she’d want me to fix.” He knows that she would love the beautiful home named in her honor.
Marian’s Place houses up to eight families and has a program space for classes and gatherings.
A woman named Nia moved into Marian’s on October 18, 2023. Fleeing from an abusive relationship of seven years, she was shocked to find out the name of her new home. “Marian was my mother’s name,” she said. “I knew in that moment that God had me here for a reason.” Nia lost her mom at the young age of 15 and now has her name tattooed on her arm. She said, “Living in a home called Marian’s makes me feel like I’ve got love all around me.”
One day after Nia moved in, on October 19, Steve’s great-grandchild was born. A little girl named Marian.
For the safety of TDP residents, alumni, and staff, the resident name in this story was changed.